A malt-focused, generally caramelly beer with perhaps a few esters and occasionally a butterscotch aftertaste. Hops only to balance and support the malt. The malt character can range from dry and grainy to rich, toasty, and caramelly, but is never roasty and especially never has a peat smoke character. Style Comparison: Similar character to a Wee Heavy, but much smaller.
5 Gallon Extract Recipe Kit
This kit includes:
Malt, Hops and Yeast
Muslin bag for steeping grain
Nutrient and Whirfloc if required
Scottish 70 Extract Kit
Est Original Gravity: 1.038 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.009 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 3.8%
Bitterness: 30 IBUs
Est Color: 14 SRM Est Calories: 125 kcal/12oz